- Doctorado en Ciencias de la Vida, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Francia (1991 – 1995).
- Maestría en Biotecnología, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), Francia (1989 – 1990).
- Especialización en Ginecotocología, Facultad de Medicina, Udelar, Uruguay (1986 – 1988).
- Doctor en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Udelar, Uruguay (1975 – 1985).
- Posición Académica Actual: Profesor Titular del Departamento Básico de Medicina – Hospital de Clínicas – Facultad de Medicina (UdelaR).
- Pequeños ARNs reguladores
- Comunicación intercelular
- Oncología Molecular
- Biomarcadores oncológicos
- Fromm, B; Kang, W; Rovira, C; Cayota, A; Witwer, KW; Friedländer, M and Tosar, J.P. (2018): Plant microRNAs in human sera are likely contaminants. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (In press).
- Tosar, J.P., Gambaro, F., Darre, L., Pantano, S., Westhof, E. and Cayota, A. (2018) Dimerization confers increased stability to nucleases in 5′ halves from glycine and glutamic acid tRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. gky495; doi: 10.1093/nar/gky495
- Tosar, J.P., Rovira, C. and Cayota, A. (2018) Non-coding RNA fragments account for the majority of annotated piRNAs expressed in somatic non-gonadal tissues. Communications Biology, 1, 2.
- Tosar, J.P. and Cayota, A. (2018) Detection and Analysis of Non-vesicular Extracellular RNA. Methods Mol Biol, 1740, 125-137.
- Tosar, J.P., Cayota, A., Eitan, E., Halushka, M.K. and Witwer, K.W. (2017) Ribonucleic artefacts: are some extracellular RNA discoveries driven by cell culture medium components? J Extracell Vesicles, 6, 1272832.
- Doldán, X., Fagúndez, P., Cayota, A., Laíz, J., Tosar, J.P. (2016) Electrochemical sandwich immunosensor for determination of exosomes based on surface marker-mediated signal amplification. Anal Chem, 88, 10466-10473
- Tosar, J.P., Gambaro, F., Sanguinetti, J., Bonilla, B., Witwer, K.W. and Cayota, A. (2015) Assessment of small RNA sorting into different extracellular fractions revealed by high-throughput sequencing of breast cell lines. Nucleic Acids Res, 43, 5601-5616.
- Cairoli, E., Danese, N., Teliz, M., Bruzzone, M.J., Ferreira, J., Rebella, M. and Cayota, A. (2015) Cumulative dose of hydroxychloroquine is associated with a decrease of resting heart rate in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a pilot study. Lupus, 24, 1204-1209.