Call 28-23: Senior Associate Investigator – IP Montevideo

The Institut Pasteur in Montevideo is calling for applications for up to 4 senior research associate positions at the institute.

Objectives of the call

This call seeks to promote the career of researchers who are currently linked to one of the laboratories of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo as employees or in an honorary position, or who have a previous record of having worked or been trained in our institution. This call also seeks to strengthen the lines of research prioritised in the 2020-2025 strategic plan.

Application requirements

All those who have completed a doctorate and have postdoctoral or equivalent training (having continued their research work since the thesis defense) are eligible to apply. Applicants must have been associated with the institute for at least one year.

If you are currently working at the institute, you may transfer to another laboratory or unit.

In all cases the remuneration will be equivalent to that of a Senior Associate Investigator ($ 148,314).

The position can be compatible with teaching activities with a low teaching load (maximum of up to 20 hours per week).


The selected candidate will be required to:

– Collaborate with one or more principal investigator(s) and/or group leader(s) (G4, etc.) defining a primary affiliation if applicable.

– To develop research projects framed within the strategic areas of the institute (see the Strategic Plan, which can be downloaded from the embedded link) and in agreement with the PI or group leader.

– Contribute to the attainment of directly allocated funds and/or through coordinated work with other IP Montevideo groups.

– Regularly publish papers in scientific journals of moderate-high impact.

– Directing the work of students.

– Participate in institutional and scientific seminars, organize scientific events.


The position will be for an indeterminate duration, subject to the Performance Management System and evaluation every 4 years.


The selection will be made by the management of the Institute, taking input from the ad-hoc Advisory Committee appointed for this purpose. This committee will be made up of at least 5 principal investigators or equivalent, and may include researchers from other academic institutions. It will evaluate the merits and the project presented, on the basis of which a pre-selection will be made for the public defense of the project. The oral presentation will be made on a date and time to be agreed upon with the selected applicants. The duration of the presentation and the interview space will be defined and communicated by the Advisory Committee in due time.

The criteria guide to be taken into account for the evaluation can be found in the Transparency section of the institute’s website and can be downloaded from the link embedded in this paragraph.


1 – Applicants must attach the following documents in English, through the following form: *.

a. Letter of motivation and affiliation. The application may be framed in more than one laboratory or unit, but only one laboratory/unit
of main affiliation must be defined and it must be explicitly stated in the letter.

b. Curriculum vitae summarized according to the attached format and downloadable at this link.

c. Scientific Project (a maximum of 4 pages, Arial 12, single spacing, margins 2.5 cm) framed in one of the strategic lines of the IP Montevideo (see Plan Estratégico), in agreement with the person acting as academic referent and whose term of execution is estimated in a period of 4 years of duration. If figures or tables are included, they must be included in the 4 pages of this document.

d. Bibliographic references of the scientific project.

*The only information that will be shared with the Advisory Committee will be the attached documents listed in the terms and conditions of this call.

2- The person responsible of the Laboratory or Unit defined as the applicant’s primary affiliation must send the following document by e-mail:

a. Letter of Endorsement. It should point out the applicant’s academic merits, as well as the interpersonal skills that guarantee a good fit for the position. No additional letters of recommendation or support for the applicant will be received.

The letter of endorsement must be sent by the signatory to:, before the closing date, with the subject: Call for applications 28-23: name and surname of the applicant.

The call extends until February 29, 2024.

The incorporation shall take place in the year 2024.

If you have any questions about the application form, please write to

If you have any queries about the terms and conditions of the call for proposals, please write to

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is an institution committed to promoting an organizational culture based on gender equality. The Institution adheres to Law 17.817 on the fight against racism, xenophobia and all other forms of discrimination and to Law No. 19846 on the obligations arising from international human rights law, in relation to equality and non-discrimination between women and men, including formal, substantive and recognition equality.

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