
The institute’s research groups are organized in institutional programmes focused on “One health”concept, an approach promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) that recognizes that there is an indivisible interconnection between human and animal health and the environment. This approach involves coordinated, collaborative and multidisciplinary work to address potential and existing risks originated in the human-animal-ecosystem intersection.

On that basis, the institute created three programmes: Human Health, Animal Health and Molecular, Cellular andnd Animal Technology Platform Laboratories. Laboratories and units of the IP Montevideo work in these areas and develop joint research projects.

The programmes are financed by institutional grants or by external agencies, which include the National Agency for Innovation and Research (ANII), the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA), the Fund for Structural Convergence of MERCOSUR (FOCEM) of the University of the Republic, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the International Institut Pasteur Network (IPIN).

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