The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IP Montevideo) is one of the most recent affiliates of the Institut Pasteur International Network (RIIP in French), composed of 33 independent centres located in five continents and united by the same values.

Dedicated to scientific research in biomedicine, IP Montevideo is composed by high-tech scientific platforms in areas such as genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, molecular and cellular biology; laboratories are open to young scientists’ research projects; it has become an international education centre with courses on the latest biological knowledge and state-of-the-art technologies; and promotes start-ups for the development of biotechnological applications

Founded on July 14th, 2004, the institute was born through an emblematic agreement between the French and the Uruguayan Government, under the presidency of Dr. Jorge Batlle.

The Uruguayan Government and the University of the Republic (the only state university in Uruguay) together with the Institut Pasteur de Paris created a foundation with the purpose to produce and disseminate scientific and technological research in the field of human health, following the same objectives of the French headquarter.

Formally, the IP Montevideo was inaugurated on December 8th, 2006 by the president of the republic —at the time, Dr. Tabaré vázquez— and authorities of France. It began to operate in February 2007.


To produce international quality science in the field of biology, articulating research, applications and the training of specialized human resources; and to contribute to the development of Uruguayan science and biotechnology.


To be a scientific and technological centre of international level in the field of biomedicine, capable of exploiting the great opportunities offered by the development of biology and biotechnology.

Fundational Institutions

Since the founding of the IP Montevideo, several of these institutions are members of its Administrative Board. It is currently composed of three advisers from IP Paris, two from the Uruguayan government, and two from the University of the Republic.

International Network of Pasteur Institutes (RIIP)

The Institut Pasteur International Network (RIIP in French) brings together 33 institutions located in 26 countries on all continents, united by common missions and values, working for the benefit of the population and according to the specificities of each country.

Inspired and moved by Pasteurian ethics and values —which include excellence, scientific rigor and universal values—, RIIP works to improve human health through:

  • Scientific research in biomedicine
  • Public health activities
  • Training of human resources
  • Innovation and technology transfer

These activities are carried out with the aim to promote sustainable development based on the strengthening of local capacities in respect of human rights and the environment.

Organizational values

Our VALUES are:

  • Have a humanist commitment, ensuring that the knowledge generated is beneficial for society.
  • Achieve excellence in each of the actions, supporting the professional and personal development of all the people who work at the institute.
  • Preserve a friendly, respectful and creative work environment; cultivating teamwork.
  • Deepen the philosophy of “open” work, favoring collaborations at national and international levels.

In line with our institutional values, the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is an institution committed to promoting an organizational culture with gender equality. The institution adheres to Law Nº. 17.817 on the fight against racism, xenophobia and all other forms of discrimination and Law Nº. 18.104 on equal rights and opportunities between men and women.

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