Call 29-23: doctoral thesis applicants for UBI and UMPI

The Bioinformatic Unit and the Pasteur+INIA Joint Unit (UMPI) of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo are calling for applicants to carry out their PhD thesis with an hourly load of 30 hours per week.

Training attained

We are looking for people interested in doing their PhD thesis, who have already completed their Master’s thesis in Biological Sciences or Bioinformatics.


Experience in the areas of microbiology, molecular biology, genetics or genomics will be valued. You are encouraged not to refrain from applying if you do not possess some of the skills or mastery of the above mentioned areas or techniques.

The PhD thesis will be carried out within the framework of the INIA-FPTA project “From gut to water through soil and vice versa: discovering the dissemination pathways of livestock-associated microbial communities”.

This project will investigate the role of the gut microbiome in animal health, as well as the interactions of microorganism communities at the environment-animal-human interface by seeking to characterize the different pathways of microbial dispersal. In this scenario of environment-human-animal interactions, the project also emphasizes the identification of antimicrobial resistance genes, as well as understanding their distribution and dynamics.

The selected person will develop activities that include the use of bioinformatics and statistical tools to analyze shotgun metagenomics and amplicon sequencing data (i.e. 16S, 18S), as well as molecular biology aspects for nucleic acid extraction, construction of second (i.e. Illumina) and third (i.e. Oxford Nanopore) generation sequencing libraries.

Responsibilities include:

  • Participation in the processing of samples in the laboratory: extraction of nucleic acids, construction of sequencing libraries.
  • Participation in sample sequencing using Oxford Nanopore technology.
  • Analyzing sequencing data together with the working group.
  • Writing, together with the working group, of scientific articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Participate in the drafting of semi-annual project reports.


The selected person will receive support for the completion of the doctorate through an ANII postgraduate scholarship associated with the project, which will take effect immediately.


The position is highly dedicated. Its term will be until November 30, 2026.

We invite interested persons to apply through this link attaching the following documents in pdf format:

  1. a) Motivation letter explaining current situation and academic interests (maximum 1 page).
  2. b) CV.
  3. c) Letters of recommendation.

The deadline for receipt of applications is February 1, 2024.

If you have any questions about the call, you can direct your emails to

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is an institution committed to promoting an organizational culture based on gender equality. The institution adheres to Law 17.817 on combating racism, xenophobia and all other forms of discrimination and Law No. 18.104 on equal rights and opportunities between men and women.

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