Call 20-24: Institutional Postdoctoral Positions

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is looking to expand its scientific team through an open call for two postdoctoral researchers to develop research projects aligned with current institutional scientific priorities (no prior affiliation with the institute required).

Training attained

Candidates must have completed their PhD between 2019 and March 31, 2025. While this is the preferred profile, applications that do not strictly meet these criteria but are adequately justified will also be considered. For candidates who have experienced maternity, an additional year will be accepted for the PhD completion (2018) per child born or adopted after obtaining the doctorate, and up to 2 additional years (2017) for multiple children born or adopted after obtaining the doctorate. Other justified circumstances such as illnesses or caregiving responsibilities will also be considered.


The position is for a duration of 2 years, potentially renewable once for up to 18 months. In the case of maternity during the contract period, deadlines will be extended by 9 months.

Salary reference

As of July 2024, the nominal salary for the postdoctoral position at IP Montevideo is $110,490 Uruguayan pesos.

Application Process

Interested individuals should contact the responsible heads of the Technological Units or Research Laboratories of interest (contacts available on the institute’s website) to assess candidacy feasibility and to develop a work plan. The development of the proposed project should be the main activity of the applicant, requiring high dedication to this task.

Interested parties are invited to submit the following documents in PDF format in Spanish or English:

a) Curriculum vitae using the specified biosketch format.

b) Work plan (1,000 words) including:
-Project title
-Laboratory or unit where the postdoc will be conducted. If it’s a collaborative project, clearly identify the main affiliation.

-Background and rationale, objectives, and work plan (considering the position’s 2-year duration, extendable by 18 months).

c) Annex, if applicable, where references, figures, and tables can be included.

d) Letter of recommendation from the head of the unit/lab justifying the impact of the candidate’s incorporation into the research team and the availability of funds to support the project.


Projects will be evaluated by an advisory committee composed of researchers from IP Montevideo. This committee will be appointed by the institute’s directors in consultation with the Academic Advisory Council, aiming to minimize conflicts of interest. Projects should be written to be understood by researchers with general training in life sciences, though not necessarily in all proposed research lines.

For any inquiries regarding the call, please contact

Communication of results

It is expected that results will be published before November 30, 2024, although this depends on the number of applicants and the characteristics of the applications.

Assuming the position

In 2025, to be arranged between the institute’s directors, the responsible person from the group, and the selected candidate. If a candidate selected at the time of the result has not yet defended their doctorate, they must do so by March 31, 2025, unless exceptional circumstances justify an extension. Otherwise, they will have to forfeit the position, and it will be awarded to the next candidate in priority.

Submit applications through this form, including the following information:

Email: This will be used for communication related to this call
Call number: 20-24
Call name: Institutional Postdoctoral Positions

The deadline for submissions is extended until October 22, 2024, at 17:00 h.

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is committed to promoting an organizational culture with gender equity. The Institution adheres to Law 17.817 against racism, xenophobia, and all forms of discrimination, as well as Law No. 19846 regarding obligations arising from international Human Rights law, ensuring equality and non-discrimination between women and men, encompassing formal, substantive, and recognition equality.

Under this legal framework and in compliance with Article 8 of Law No. 19846 on Special Temporary Measures, every effort will be made to ensure applications are evaluated by a gender-balanced committee with expertise in the field. In cases where candidates of different genders have equal qualifications, preference will be given to women.

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