Course: Progress in Molecular Oncology and its impact at the clinical level.


IP Montevideo, Maciel Hospital, School of Medicine
Oncology has made notable advances in diagnosis, follow-up and treatment in recent years. The use of liquid biopsies and targeted and immune therapies are relevant elements of this new reality. The IV POMIC course aims to provide an update on these topics, seeking to integrate basic and clinical elements that allow understanding the progress made but also to identify challenges and propose conceptual lines on which potential new solutions are based. The course is aimed at clinicians and scientific graduate students.
  • Marcelo Hill (FMed. Udelar, IPM)
  • Diego Tuya (Maciel Hospital)
  • Nora Berois (IP Montevideo)
  • Eduardo Osinaga (FMed. Udelar, IP Montevideo)
Registration at :
Deadline: April 6, 2025
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