Transparent data visualization (with web-based tools)


10:00 am
Via Zoom

Cycle: “Good practices and reproducibility in the use of fluorescence microscopy”


Joachim Goedhart, PhD

(Assistant Professor, section of Molecular Cytology and the van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Link to Zoom.

Dr. Goedhart is a chemist from training, with a strong interest in biology. His lab improves and characterizes fluorescent proteins, some of which hace found a wide application (mTurquoise2 and mScarlet). These proteins are the basis for genetically encoded biosensors used for quantitative functional imaging studies in single cells. The long-term goal is to unravel (G-protein) signalling networks in time and space in cells and tissues.

Recent activity is the development of open-source web tools for the quantitative display of data. These tools promote transparent communication of experimental results and simplify state-of-the-art data visualization. As a colourblind person, he is also interested in the perception of and use of colours in scientific data.

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