Call 26-23: doctoral thesis applicants for Lab. of Host-Pathogen Interactions – IP Montevideo

The Laboratory of Host-Pathogen Interactions of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is calling for applicants to carry out their PhD thesis with an hourly load of 30 hours per week.

Training attained

We are looking for people interested in doing their PhD thesis, graduates of the Facultad de Ciencias, Medicina, QuĂ­mica or equivalent training, who have completed their Master’s degree and who are interested in the study of maternal-fetal interaction and transplacental transmission of pathogens.


Experience in the areas of molecular biology, cell biology and work with animal models will be valued, but not exclusive.


Within the ANII project “Molecular mechanisms of vertical transmission in Chagas disease”, there is an opportunity to carry out a PhD thesis. This involves working on the project objectives and also exploring additional questions about the molecular basis of transplacental transmission of pathogens.

The selected person will be responsible for investigating the modulation of gene expression and host immune response as a means of persistence and vertical transmission. Molecular and cellular biology techniques will be used, as well as massive sequencing, bioinformatics and work with animal models.

In addition to these tasks, the student will be able to develop his/her thesis within a collaborative work group and with experience in the topic of work, thus providing an enriching and formative experience.


The project has funding for an ANII Doctorate scholarship, available within the framework of the project.


The position is highly dedicated and will have a duration of 3 years starting in mid-2024.

Registration for the PEDECIBA doctoral program will be a requisite, the deadline for which is February 2024.

We invite interested persons to apply through this link attaching the following documents in pdf format:

  1. a) Motivation letter explaining the current situation and academic interests (maximum 1 page)
  2. b) Curriculum Vitae
  3. c) Name and contact of 2 people who provide reference

The deadline for receipt of applications is February 1, 2024.

If you have any questions about the call, you can direct your emails to

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is an institution committed to promoting an organizational culture based on gender equality. The institution adheres to Law 17.817 on combating racism, xenophobia and all other forms of discrimination and Law No. 18.104 on equal rights and opportunities between men and women.

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