Curso de Fundamentos en Microscopía Óptica


Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
This course is aimed at undergraduate/postgraduate students in all scientific areas and users of optical microscopy in general. It is also aimed at academic and industry technical personnel.


  • Basic optics, light phenomena, objective lenses and resolution.
  • Wide field techniques; phase contrast, dark field and DIC.
  • Fluorescence and confocal microscopy.
  • 3D and live imaging.
  • How to assemble figures for publications.
  • Sample preparation.
  • Practical sessions with microscopes.
Access the preliminary program of the course here.
Registration at:
Deadline: March 7, 2025
Students from Latin America can apply for Latin American Bioimaging (LABI) scholarshipsto attend through this link.
-Marcela Díaz (UBA, IPM)

-Paola Lepanto (LGMH, IPM)

Participating teachers:
-Ana Laura Suárez (UBA, IPM/Udelar)
-Bruno Pannunzio (UBA, IPM/ Histology, FMED, Udelar)
-Jessica Rossello (UBA and UByPA, IPM)
-Leonel Malacrida (UBA, IPM/ Dpto. Physiopathology, Hospital de Clínicas, Udelar
-María José García (UBA, IPM/Udelar)
-Micaela Lopassio (UBA, IPM/Udelar)
-Andrés Hugo Rossi (Instituto Fundación Leloir, Bs As. Argentina)
-Victoria Repetto (UBA, Exactas, Bs As. Argentina)
-Claire Brown (Advanced BioImaging Facility – McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

Vortex Profit Max
Bitcore Surge
Visita High Sierra Corp Uruguay para análisis y reseñas de suplementos de salud. Para detalles sobre Elastica Crema, accede directamente aquí: Elastica Crema en Uruguay.