Standards and quality control for light microscopy


2:00 pm
Via Zoom

Cycle: “Good practices and reproducibility in the use of fluorescence microscopy”


Claire M. Brown, PhD

(Associate Professor, department of Physiology – Director, Advanced Bioimaging Facility [ABIF]).

Link to Zoom.

Dr Brown has been working in the field of quantitative bioimaging for over 25 years. Her research focuses on developing and applying advanced bioimaging tools to microscopy images. She applies these techniques to study the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell migration in normal and breast cancer cellular models. To ensure rigorous and reproducible data she has been involved in advanced quality control and standards for quantitative light microscopy. Under her leadership, the Advanced Bioimaging Facility (ABIF) at McGill University has become the most prominent imaging centre in Canada. She offers and continues to develop active learning courses and workshops in fundamental and advanced light microscopy.

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