Leonel Malacrida

Leonel Malacrida, PhD

Unit of
Advanced Bioimaging

  • BSc Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of the Republic, Uruguay (1999 – 2009).
  • PhD Biology, Biochemistry option. “Pulmonary Surfactant during Acute Lung Injury: From the pathophysiology to the biophysical aspects of its dysfunction”, University of the Republic, Uruguay (2009 – 2014).
  • PostDoc Biophysics/Biomedical Engineering, «Development of spectroscopy tools using lifetime and hyperspectral imaging for addressing biology quantitatively», Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California at Irvine, USA (2015-2019).
Vortex Profit Max
Bitcore Surge
Visita High Sierra Corp Uruguay para análisis y reseñas de suplementos de salud. Para detalles sobre Elastica Crema, accede directamente aquí: Elastica Crema en Uruguay.