The Zebrafish Unit of IP Montevideo emerged in 2011 as a result of the collaboration between the groups led by Dr. Flavio Zolessi, head of the Laboratory of Cell Biology of Neural Development of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Republic, and Dr. José Badano, head of the Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IP Montevideo). Since the beginning, Drs. Zolessi and Badano have been responsible for leading the unit and these two founding groups have been linked and work together around the use of the zebrafish model in research, the maintenance of the aquarium and also on the basis of common biological questions.
Subsequently, the Metabolism and Aging Laboratory of IP Montevideo, directed by Dr. Carlos Escande, was incorporated to expand the research topics and include the use of the model in metabolism and obesity. Today, the number of research groups working using the Zebrafish Unit has grown, allowing the incorporation of new and varied topics.
Camila Davidson, PhD
Researcher in charge
Flavio Zolessi, PhD
Researcher in charge
Gonzalo Aparicio, PhD
Researcher in charge
Research lines
The Zebrafish Unit brings together different research groups that carry out projects on a variety of topics, including research in developmental biology, modeling of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome ciliopathy, studies of adipose tissue development, among others.
Main equipment
The Unit has two racks of “stand-alone” type fish tanks (Tecniplast), which have individual filtering systems and a capacity for up to 1,000 individuals each (in total, 110 3.5L fish tank units, maintaining 40 lines with different genetics).
The Zebrafish Unit of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is the only one in the country that has the facilities and experience to maintain adult fish of this species following international water quality standards and preserving the health of the colony. The IP Montevideo aquarium is certified by the Commission of Ethics in the Use of Animals (CEUA) for handling and breeding practices of experimental animals.
In addition to supporting the work of various research laboratories, the Zebrafish Unit offers the following services:
- Breeding and maintenance of fish lines
- Fish crossbreeding for embryo procurement
“Integrating IP Montevideo technologies”. Modular course for researchers and technicians of IP Montevideo 2017.
Postgraduate course: “Introduction to the structural and functional analysis of proteins”, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo. September-November 201
Postgraduate thesis: “Expression, Purification and Crystallization of Recombinant Proteins by High-throughput Methodologies”. February013.
Postgraduate course: “Recombinant Protein Expression”. PEDECIBA-Biology- MSc in Biotechnology, Faculty of Science – Institut Pasteur de Montevideo. Nov5–Dec10, 2008.
Some of the projects carried out in the Zebrafish Unit are:
- ACIP Project 2025-2026: “Exploring the developmental basis of neurodegenerative diseases -a multi-model approach”. Principal Investigators: Flavio Zolessi, Pauline Spéder, Giuseppe Lupo.
- Fondo Clemente Estable Nivel I, ANII 2024-2026: “HIG (Hypoxia induced gene) domain proteins and their role in cell development and survival”. Principal Investigator: Gabriela Bedó, Evolutionary Genetics Section, Faculty of Sciences.
- ECOS-Sud 2024-2026: “Study of the functional innervation of retinal axons in the optic roof against segregation defects in the chiasm and optic tract caused by Slit2 and/or Slit3 deficiency: functional or behavioral compensation? Responsible: Flavio Zolessi. Co-responsible: Germán Sumbre, École Normale Supérieure, Paris.
- Maria Viñas Fund 2023: “SCiMeR: an innovative platform for in vivo and single cell level preclinical evaluation of molecules modulating metabolic reprogramming”. FMV_1_2023_1_176623. Principal Investigator: Andrés Kamaid.
- Fondo Clemente Estable Nivel I, ANII 2022-2025: “Cellular and molecular mechanisms in the organization of photoreceptors in the zebrafish retina: role of cortical dynamics and the Notch pathway”. Responsible: Flavio Zolessi.
- Fondo Vaz Ferreira 2022-2024: “Mechanobiology in the pathogenesis of renal disease: regulation of the ciliogenesis process during the development of renal cysts”. Principal Investigator: Magdalena Cárdenas-Rodríguez (in collaboration with José Badano and Paola Lepanto).
- Fondo Clemente Estable Nivel I, ANII 2022-2024: “Mechanobiology in the pathogenesis of renal disease: regulation of the ciliogenesis process during the development of renal cysts”. Principal Investigator: Magdalena Cárdenas-Rodríguez (in collaboration with José Badano and Paola Lepanto).
- Innovagro 2022 Sectoral Fund: “Development of New Potential Environmentally Friendly and Selective Herbicides and Cyanobacteria Inhibitors”. FSA_1_2022_1_175124. Responsible: Gloria Serra (School of Chemistry, Udelar) in collaboration with Andrés Kamaid.
- CSIC R&D 2021-2024: “Molecular mechanisms of epithelial morphogenesis in vertebrate neurulation: role of MARCKS family proteins”. Responsible: Flavio Zolessi.
- ICGEB Collaboration Research Project, CRP/PER19-02 2020-2024: “Are prion (PrP) and MARCKS proteins functional partners in vivo? MARCKS proteins as potential components of prion and Alzheimer’s neurodegenerative pathways”. Principal Investigator: Edward Málaga-Trillo, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru (in collaboration with Flavio Zolessi).
- Clemente Estable Level I Fund, ANII 2020-2022: “Study of the role of BBS4 and cilia in the development of adipose tissue: implications for understanding obesity in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome ciliopathy”. Principal Investigators: José Badano and Paola Lepanto (in collaboration with Carlos Escande).
- PAIE, CSIC 2016: “Neurulation in vertebrates: role of marcks family genes in the process of neural plate extension-convergence in zebrafish(Danio rerio)” Principal Investigators: Antonella Arrieta, Lucía Veloz and Antonella Alba. Tutor: Flavio Zolessi, Co-tutor: Gonzalo Aparicio.
- Clemente Estable Fund, Level I, ANII 2015-2019: “Neural orientation in the polarized environment of the developing neural retina: influence of Slit proteins”. Responsible: Flavio Zolessi.
- Research Initiation, CSIC 2014-2016: “Cell polarity in vertebrate primary neurulation: a comparative study of molecular pathways in amniotes and teleost fish”. Principal Investigator: Gonzalo Aparicio.
- Transversal project IP Montevideo 2014: “Development of a zebrafish model of cardiovascular disease for fundamental research and screening of new anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic drugs”. Principal Investigator: Carlos Escande (in collaboration with José Badano, Flavio Zolessi and Carlos Batthyany).
- Fondo Clemente Estable Nivel I, ANII, 2013-2015: “The function of Hig-1 (Hypoxia induced gene 1) in the Nervous System: a potential anti-apoptotic signal in development and neuroprotection”. Principal Investigator: Gabriela Bedó.
- Fondo Clemente Estable Nivel I, ANII 2012-2014: “Role of cilia and ciliogenesis process during the generation and differentiation of neurons in the vertebrate central nervous system”. Principal Investigator: Flavio Zolessi (in collaboration with José Badano).
- PAIE, CSIC 2011: “Structural characterization of apical intercellular junction complexes during the process of neurogenesis in the retina”. Principal Investigators: Camila Davison, Estefanía Sicco and Matías Preza. Tutor: Flavio Zolessi.
- Transversal project IP Montevideo 2010: “Introduction of the zebrafish model at IP Montevideo: understanding the biological role of cilia at the neuronal level”. Principal Researchers: José Badano and Flavio Zolessi.
Main publications
- Sharkova 2024 (J Cell Sci) DOI: 10.1242/jcs.261721
- Aguilera 2023 (Pharmaceuticals) DOI: 10.3390/ph16010020
- Davison 2022 (J Dev Biol) DOI: 10.3390/jdb10040041
- Davison 2021 (Cells Dev) DOI: 10.1016/j.cdev.2021.203677
- Lepanto P & Levin 2021 (Biol Open) DOI: 10.1242/bio.058734
- Aparicio 2021 (Int J Dev Biol) DOI: 10.1387/ijdb.200113fz
- Arévalo 2020 (SECAL Laboratory Animals Journal) https://secal.es/descargar/revista-secal-86/?tmstv=1720989478
- Castro-Sánchez S 2019 (Sci Rep) DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-49217-7
- Paravani 2018 (Mutat Res genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen) DOI: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2017.12.010
- Novas 2018 (Sci Rep) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-21329-6
- Alvarez 2017 (Molecules) DOI: 10.3390/molecules22050709
- Prieto 2017 (J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol) DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22691
- Lepanto 2016 (Neurogenesis review) DOI: 10.1080/23262133.2016.1253363
- Lepanto 2016 (Neural Dev) DOI: 10.1186/s13064-016-0064-z.
- Prieto 2015 (J Vis Exp) DOI: 10.3791/52769
- Paolini 2015 (Development) DOI: 10.1242/dev.118612
- Prieto 2014 (Histochem Cell Biol) DOI: 10.1007/s00418-014-1215-0
- Cárdenas-Rodríguez 2013 (Hum Mol Genet) DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddt253
- Cardenas-Rodriguez 2013 (Hum Genet) DOI: 10.1007/s00439-012-1228-5