Call 10-23: interns for project supported by Chan-Zuckerberg Initative – Advanced Bioimaging Unit – IP Montevideo

The Advanced Bioimaging Unit (Joint Unit Institut Pasteur de Montevideo-Hospital de Clínicas/UdelaR) is calling for national and regional applicants for short internships (up to six internships in 2023) in the framework of the project “Expanding access to advanced bioimaging technology in Latin America” supported by Chan-Zuckerberg Initative.

Training accomplished

We target researchers from Latin American scientific institutions, regardless of their level of training.


Experience in microscopy and the techniques to be used is not necessary, however, the experimental relevance proposed in the internship project will be evaluated. The applicant must demonstrate that he/she has a research hypothesis and does not have the experience or equipment to be able to carry it out.

The techniques and instruments that we have available at the UBA are:

  • Confocal laser scanning microscopy (Zeiss LSM 800 and 880 confocals) on fixed or in vivo samples (temp. control and CO2 atmosphere). Excitations: 405 nm, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 and 640 nm.
  • Spectral confocal microscopy (Zeiss LSM 880) on fixed samples or in vivo (control temp. and CO2 atmosphere). Excitations: 405 nm, 458, 488, 514, 561 and 633 nm.
  • Epifluorescence microscopy (Zeiss 800, Axiocam 506 mono and Olympus IX81, Hamamatsu ORCA ER).
  • Bright field microscopy, application of phase contrast and DIC, Nomarski.
  • Brightfield, fluorescence and/or confocal microscopy on fixed or live samples using motorized stage to apply software tools that allow mosaic experiments (reconstructions of large fields on samples) and/or positions (different supports, samples can be used in multiwell plates).
  • Short and long duration (overnight) time lapse experiments on fixed or live samples.
  • Image analysis using the software: Fiji, Huygens and SimFCS.


The selected person will have the possibility to visit the Advanced Bioimaging Unit and perform experiments using the available equipment. It is essential that the research is part of a project of the home laboratory. The internship aims to provide a proof of concept that will allow the home researcher to apply for local funds to return to UBA for an internship of up to one year. The UBA will support this proposal and collaborate with the development of the research plan.


The duration of the internship will be 5 to 10 days. Period June-October 2023.

Airfare and accommodation will be covered by the “Pilot Bioimaging Research Experience” programme in the CZI project “Expanding access to advanced bioimaging technology in Latin America”.

We invite interested people to apply through this link and attach the following documents in pdf format:

a) Motivation letter explaining the academic interest in the internship programme. Explain the reasons why you think you cannot carry out this project in your laboratory/institution (maximum 1 page).
b) Brief CV (maximum 2 pages)
c) Present a short project describing the objectives of the work, hypotheses, techniques available at the UBA that you want to use, how they would be implemented and what results you expect to obtain (maximum 2 pages). If the project is selected, a technical consultation meeting will be held to assess its feasibility.
d) Letter of reference from the person in charge or mentor of the laboratory to which he/she belongs.

Deadline: Friday 30th June, 2023.

In the event of any inconvenience that arises when completing the application form, we appreciate the sending of an email to the address:

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is an institution committed to promoting an organizational culture based on gender equality. The Institution adheres to Law Nº 17.817 on the fight against racism, xenophobia, and all other forms of discrimination, and Law No. 18.104 on equal rights and opportunities between men and women.

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