Microscopy Seminar


9:30 am
Hall (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)

The Advanced Bioimaging Unit (UBA) will carry out a face-to-face/virtual seminar to present the objectives, operation and upcoming activities of the group.

It will also introduce the use of a new tool (software) that has been incorporated for service management.

The UBA is a mixed unit between the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo and the Hospital de Clínicas (Udelar). It was created in 2020 and since then a restructuring process has begun in the management part of the Microscopy service. It has acquired a software that globally manages and organizes all the operating aspects of the unit, which is called Agendo.science.

As of May 2022, all aspects of operation related to the UBA Microscopy service will begin to be managed through Agendo.science.

This seminar is aimed at all users of the service, both internal and external to IP Montevideo, and heads of units, but it is also open to the entire community that works or wishes to work with Bioimaging.

It will be face-to-face for all the members of IP Montevideo and a Zoom meeting will also be active simultaneously for all the rest of the participants. This Zoom meeting will be interactive, people will be able to ask questions or comments and thus actively participate in the seminar.


Join the meeting by Zoom. Meeting ID: 869 0215 5724

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