Study of Musashi2 oncoprotein-mediated post-transcriptional dysregulation and its influence on the progression of chronic lymphoid leukemia
Juliana Querol
GF Conference room
10:00 am
Characterization of the BMP9/10-ALK1-ENG-Smad signaling pathway in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: molecular mechanisms and interactors involved, drug efficacy and its preclinical validation
Camila Chiesa
GF Conference room
10:30 am
Regulation of iron and heme homeostasis in bacteria: the HemK-HemR signalling system of Leptospira
Juan Andrés Imelio
Dighiero room (IP Montevideo)
10:00 am
Population genomics applied to the study of Campylobacter fetus in humans and production animals
Daniela Costa Duarte
Conference room GF (IP Montevideo)
9:00 am
Study of the biophysical properties of cilia related to the regulation of protein transport to the organelle
Matilde Cortabarría
Campus Centro, ORT University
4:30 pm
Evaluation of vectors for the production of recombinant proteins in different expression systems
Gabriela Paradeda
Conference room GF (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)
11:30 am
Machine learning strategies for the analysis of electronic clinical records for the early detection of rare diseases
Matías Rolando
Dighiero room (IP Montevideo)
2:00 pm
Understanding the structural dynamics of Flaviviruses: towards the identification of the pH-dependent opening mechanism
Martín Soñora, MSc
Dighiero room (IP Montevideo) / Via Zoom
11:00 am
Characterisation of senescent microglia in cellular and animal models of neurodegeneration
Lucas Tarragó
Conference room GF (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)
2:00 pm
Immunomodulatory effects of a benzoic acid-derived compound in a model of neurodegeneration
Sofía Ibarburu, MSc
Conference room GF (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)
10:00 am
Call 18-22: responsible for Quality Assurance – Biopharmaceuticals Quality Control Laboratory – IP Montevideo
Call 17-22: Posdoc – Host-Pathogen Interactions Laboratory – IP Montevideo
Role of the protein DCB1 in metabolism and cell cycle regulation
Leonardo Santos, MSc
Via Zoom
11:00 am
Role of SIRT6 in the inflammatory response. Implications of chronic inflammation during obesity
Mariana Bresque, MSc
Via Zoom
10:00 am
Production of gene edited mouse models by CRISPR/Cas9, integrating zygote vitrification and electroporation
Geraldine Schlapp, MSc
Via Zoom
2:00 pm
Detection of natural selection in recently admixed populations
Gastón Rijo, BSc
Via Zoom
9:00 am