Development of a pathogenicity score based on machine learning for the prioritisation of genomic variants in the context of medical genomics
Lucía Sosa
Conference room GF (IP Montevideo)
12:30 pm
A machine-learning-based classification of small cell lung cancer subtypes: implications for prognosis and therapy selection
Nicole Kiedanski
Via Zoom
9:00 am
Sequencing and analysis of circulating RNAs by REJOIN-seq and small RNA-seq in liquid biopsies
Sofía Dacosta
Conference room GF (IP Montevideo)
10:00 am
Profiles of circulating non-coding small RNAs in women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Sofía Dacosta
Meeting room (CIN)
11:00 am
Deciphering the function of centrosomal domains in the context of Toxoplasma gondii cell division
Ramiro Tomasina, PHC
Dighiero room (IP Montevideo)
2:00 pm
Biosynthesis and function of ubiquinone and rhodoquinone in Caenorhabditis elegans and helminths
Rosina Comas, Clin. Biochem.
Dighiero room (IP Montevideo)
10:00 am
Call 16-22: Senior Research Associates – IP Montevideo
Call 15-22: “Dra. Paulina Luisi” 2022 scholarship – IP Montevideo
Call for international course in biosciences and biohealth “Prof. Otto Pritsch”
Homeostatic mechanisms underlying changes in creatine metabolism in adipose tissue during the thermogenic response: implications in obesity
Camila Espasandín, MSc
Dighiero room (IP Montevideo)
10:00 am
Functional impact of the pharmacological inhibition of Tmem176b in different subpopulations of dendritic cells
Sabina Victoria, MSc
Via Zoom
8:30 am
Intestinal organoids of mammalian species as tools for the study of zoonotic diseases
Saira Cancela, Msc
Via Zoom
2:00 pm
Evaluation of the effect of mutations generated by the enzyme AID in generic regions 3′ UTR in patients with Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia
María Amparo Rico
Via Zoom
3:00 pm
Study of the expression of Tn antigen in human pancreatic cancer
Natalia Ansín
Via Zoom
10:00 am