Study of the biological effect of extracellular vesicles from breast milk on the intestinal epithelium using neonatal and adult murine intestinal organoids.
Fiorella Giribaldi
ORT University
10:00 am
Keratinosens in vitro skin sensitisation test. Development of an alternative method to animal testing
Yohanna Olmedo
ORT University
10:00 am
Contribution to the characterisation of the role of TMEM176B in autoimmune encephalomyelitis through transcriptomic screening
Lucía Gutiérrez
UBI room (IP Montevideo)
9:00 am
Icon-phasor module for measuring absolute concentration of fluorescent molecules by hyperspectral microscopy and phasor analysis
Tamara Fernández
Faculty of Engineering (Udelar)
3:00 pm
Computational studies of cellular fusogens and their role in eukaryogenesis
Mauricio Langleib, MSc
Conference room GF (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)
12:30 pm
Call 08-22: Postdoctoral Researcher Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative – Advanced Bioimaging Unit – IP Montevideo
Call 07-22: Research Assistant – Biomolecular Simulations Lab – IP Montevideo
Mechanobiology and renal cystic disease: Understanding the role of cilia in the development of renal cysts
Gabriel Otero, MSc
Conference room GF (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo)
3:45 pm