Carlos Steneri appointed president of the Administrative Board

Apr 30, 2024
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At the recent meeting of the institute’s Administrative Board, held on April 30, economist Carlos Steneri was appointed as the new president, following the death of Ricardo Pascale.

In addition, the Board took cognizance of the appointment of Prof. Yasmine Belkaid, new president of the Institut Pasteur of Paris (IP Paris), and Dr. Odette Tomescu-Hatto, director of International Affairs of IP Paris, as advisors representing IP Paris as of April 5, 2024.

The following is the new composition of the Administrative Board of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo:

Representatives of the Poder Ejecutivo of Uruguay:

– Carlos Steneri, president of the Administrative Board, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura.

– Ana Laura Amengual, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas.

Representatives for the Universidad de la República:

– Mónica Marín, Dean of the Facultad de Ciencias.

– Arturo Briva, Dean of the Facultad de Medicina.

– Beatriz Álvarez, alternate counselor. Facultad de Ciencias.

– Alfonso Cayota, alternate counselor. Facultad de Medicina.

Representatives for the Institut Pasteur of Paris:

– Yasmine Belkaid, president of the Institut Pasteur of Paris.

– Jean-Paul Seytre, Ambassador of France in Uruguay, Secretary General of the Administrative Board.

– Odette Tomescu-Hatto, director of International Affairs at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.

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