On February 11, in celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Institut Pasteur of Montevideo welcomed over 80 children to explore the science conducted at the institution.
In the weeks leading up to the event, the institute invited children from across the country to submit drawings, paintings, or models for a children’s art exhibition themed “Women in Science.” On February 11, the young participants came to see their works displayed, attend a talk with female scientists, and tour the institute with their families.
Later, 40 children stayed to spend the afternoon in a laboratory, “working” alongside more than 30 scientists who participated in the initiative. They engaged in various activities tailored to their age groups, ranging from DNA extractions to pipetting substances.
At the end of the day, each child received a diploma and a copy of El Libro de Juegos de los Pequeños Amigos Pasteur (The Little Pasteur Friends’ Game Book), created by the institute to introduce young children to science through fun activities. The gift was made possible thanks to the contribution of Valerie Tornini from the University of California.
Her financial support also made it possible to offer transportation scholarships to three girls from the interior of the country.