Call for international course in biosciences and biohealth “Prof. Otto Pritsch”

Nov 16, 2022
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The call is open for an international course in 2023 in the framework of the Agreement signed between the French Cooperation for Latin America, the Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM), the Institut Pasteur and the Institut Pasteur of Montevideowhich seeks to promote regional scientific cooperation in biosciences and bio health.

Likewise, from this edition, this call will bear the name of Professor Otto Pritsch, a recently deceased researcher who played a fundamental role in the consolidation of this agreement. The naming seeks to honor his legacy and his ability to create and develop inter-institutional projects, fostering collaboration and interdisciplinary by building bridges at the national and regional levels.

Requirements for the nomination of a proposal

  • The proposal must be submitted by a group of researchers composed of at least one researcher from Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IP Montevideo), one researcher from Institut Pasteur (IP) or Pasteur Network (except Montevideo), and one researcher from the Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM). In other words, the coordination team should be of at least 3 people, one from each institution. In case the participation of AUGM is from an Uruguayan university, it will be necessary to include the participation of researchers from a second university belonging to AUGM that is not from Uruguay.
  • The subject of the course should be scientific research in the area of animal and/or human biomedicine, also contemplating the One Health approach, and should justify the need to increase training in this area in the region or demonstrate that there is demand or interest in the region for such training.
  • Those responsible for the selected proposal will open and publicize the course registration and scholarship application, as well as select the students. All dissemination must include the logos of the 4 partners of the agreement: French Cooperation for Latin America, AUGM, IP and IP Montevideo, who will collaborate with the dissemination through their networks and subscription lists.
  • Those responsible for the selected proposal must submit a final report including the results of the course (final program, origin and number of lecturers and participants) and the cost report (see details at the end of this document).
  • The course will be mainly face-to-face, with the possibility of having some hybrid sections for virtual lectures, for example, and will be taught in English to facilitate the participation of international teachers and students.
  • The course should be organized in Uruguay between January and April 2023 and have a minimum of 28 hours of direct class time (including lectures, practice, seminars, etc.).
  • It is recommended that matching funds be sought to cover the costs of the course.


Institut Pasteur will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of at least one PI or Pasteur Network researcher. Researchers should contact: cc: oscar.ceville- to express interest in the application and request institutional endorsement including the number of researchers to be funded per PI.

AUGM will collaborate with the dissemination and provide support to the proposing researchers within the possibilities of each university. AUGM researchers should contact: to express interest in the application and request institutional endorsement.

The Institut Pasteur of Montevideo will implement the necessary means and equipment to carry out the face-to-face and virtual activities programmed in this agreement. IP Montevideo researchers should contact: to express interest in the application and request institutional endorsement.

The French Cooperation, through IP Montevideo, will cover up to 9,600 USD corresponding to expenses incurred in Uruguay under the items mentioned below. Management expenses (overhead) have already been calculated and deducted.

  • Allowable items: accommodation and meals for students and lecturers from the region, local transportation, coffee breaks, stationery and other accreditation supplies, audio and video services, and other expenses related to the course such as reagents or supplies for practical classes.
  • It will be a requirement to allocate part of these funds to provide at least 10 room and board scholarships for students coming from the region.


Applications for the course should be sent by e-mail to: .

The subject of the email should indicate: Postulation called “Prof. Otto Pritsch” – 2022

The following documents must be attached:

  • IP endorsement for funding of travel and accommodation for IP/Pasteur Network researchers.
  • AUGM’s endorsement for the application of researchers belonging to the AUGM network.
  • IP Montevideo’s endorsement for the application of the institute’s researchers.
  • Application form (attached to this call and downloadable at the following link)with the conceptual proposal of the course, justification of the subject matter at regional level, course program and 3 schedule (opening and closing of registrations, confirmation to selected students, dates of the course), course budget specifying expenses to be covered with the funds of this call as well as complementary ones.

The signatory institutions of this agreement will evaluate the proposals and communicate the result.


  • Closing date for applications to this call: December 10, 2022.
  • Communication of the proposal to be financed: December 20, 2022.
  • Delivery of course reports: within one month after the course.

Academic report:

Final program

List of students, institution and country of origin

List of lecturers, institution and country of origin

Financial report:

Rendering of expenses broken down by participating institution:

IP Montevideo



In collaboration with the Pasteur Network

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Visita High Sierra Corp Uruguay para análisis y reseñas de suplementos de salud. Para detalles sobre Elastica Crema, accede directamente aquí: Elastica Crema en Uruguay.