Call 03-23: undergraduate student – Bioinformatics Unit – IP Montevideo

The Bioinformatics Unit of the Institut Pasteur in Montevideo is calling for students interested in completing their degree thesis for an internship. Timetable to be agreed.

Training accomplished

We are looking for people with a third year degree in Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Human Biology, interested in doing their dissertation in the area of computational biology, or with a degree in Physics or Mathematics with an interest in the area.


No experience in the area is required.


The dissertation will be carried out in the framework of the project “Origin and evolution of sex as seen through the cell membrane fusion machinery”, in coordination with the Evolutionary Genomics Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences, UdelaR.

The successful candidate will also be expected to work in the Faculty of Science. For more information on the research topic please refer to here.

The successful candidate will carry out activities that include the analysis of sequences obtained by massive sequencing methods, inference and phylogenetic analysis. You will also acquire basic notions of command line terminal operation, basic programming in Python and R (if you don’t have it) and reproducible approaches to biological data analysis. These tools constitute a solid basis for the development of a postgraduate degree in the area, whether in this or other subjects.


The internship will be for 6 months.

We invite interested people to apply through the following link attaching the following documentation in .pdf format:

1) Motivation letter
2) Academic records
3) CV

Deadline: 21st April, 2023.

If you have any questions about the call, you can direct your emails to

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is an institution committed to promoting an organizational culture based on gender equality. The Institution adheres to Law NÂș 17.817 on the fight against racism, xenophobia, and all other forms of discrimination, and Law No. 18.104 on equal rights and opportunities between men and women.

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