The Pasteur Network, the international network that brings together more than 30 centers linked to the Institut Pasteur from Paris and located outside France, renewed its regional representatives and re-elected the director of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Carlos Batthyány, as one of the two members corresponding to the Americas.
The network is chaired by Amadou Sall – who is also director of the Institut
Pasteur of Dakar -, and has a Board of Directors composed of two representatives for each region where the various partner organizations are located: the Americas, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Mediterranean Europe.
At the end of January, the board renewed its members and voted to reelect
Batthyány. It also elected Mario Moreira for his first term; he is president of Fiocruz de Brazil, another of the American centers associated with the network. In the Americas there are currently six institutes in five countries: Canada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, two in Brazil (Fiocruz and the Institut Pasteur de São Paulo) and Uruguay.
The new representatives will have a two-year term of office. The representatives of the other regions were Leo Poon, from HKU – Pasteur Research Pole, Hong Kong, and Philippe Buchy, from Institut Pasteur of Laos, for the Asia-Pacific zone; Christian Leonard, from Sciensano (Belgium), and Abderrahmane Maaroufi, from Institut Pasteur of Marrocos, for Mediterranean Europe; and Noël Tordo, from Institut Pasteur of Guinée, for Africa. That region elected only one representative because the duo is completed with the current president.