Study reveals insights into the gene expression regulation of Trypanosomes
Researchers from the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo and School of Medicina from Universidad de la República achieved a significant advance in the understanding of ...
Peculiar Uruguayan case of COVID-19 recovery published in international journal
Successful case of Uruguayan woman with double kidney transplant who got infected with COVID-19 in 2021, developed a severe case of the disease and recovered thanks to ...
Innovation in life sciences: focus of the second edition of the Uruguay Innovation Forum at the IP Montevideo
The Institut Pasteur in Montevideo hosted on Wednesday October 18th, the second edition of the Uruguay Innovation Forum, a ...
Full house at “Moulin Rouge” in benefit of the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
The Montevideo Philharmonic Orchestra, with the participation of the Martinatto Dance Company, starred this Wednesday in the Moulin Rouge show in the main hall of the ...
Scientist working in France and Uruguay Unveil Secrets Behind Bacterial Cell Division
Scientists from the Institut Pasteur in Paris and Montevideo have made a significant breakthrough in understanding how bacteria like those responsible for tuberculosis, ...
IP Montevideo at the EU-Latin America Summit
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo participated in the European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Round Table, which took place on Monday 17th July in Brussels, ...
Scientists from IP Montevideo won the ACIP call for researchers and one was chosen to lead Pasteur International Research Unit
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo's principal investigators Rosario Durán (Analytical Biochemistry and Proteomics Unit) and Alejandro Buschiazzo (Protein Crystallography ...
Celebrating Louis Pasteur’s 200th Anniversary with a traveling art exhibition
The story of Louis Pasteur, illustrated by Alfonso Rosso, was the theme of the second "Pasteurizarte" of 2023, a scientific dissemination ...
A historic agreement will allow IP Montevideo scientists to do internships at Weizmann Institute of Science
Through the signing of a historic agreement promoted by B'nai B'rith Uruguay, researchers from the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IP ...
Researchers contribute to the understanding of how bacteria feel
Researchers at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IP Montevideo) elucidated the mechanisms that allow bacteria, upon receiving information ...
Music, puppets, games, a mural and much more: innovating on science outreach
Science popularization can take many forms, even some unexpected manners. It can be done through music or puppets; with graffiti ...
Gran Premio Nacional de Medicina to researchers in tuberculosis and Covid19
Two papers involving scientists from the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo won first and second place in the Gran Premio Nacional de Medicina, ...