Celebrating Louis Pasteur’s 200th Anniversary with a traveling art exhibition

May 12, 2023
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The story of Louis Pasteur, illustrated by Alfonso Rosso, was the theme of the second “Pasteurizarte” of 2023, a scientific dissemination event carried out by the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo that unites science, art and society around a common theme. In this case, the objective was to pay tribute to the life and relevant findings of the French scientist 200 years after his birth (December 27, 1822).

Concepts such as fermentation, pasteurization, vaccination or modern theories such as the origin of microorganisms are possible thanks to the work done throughout the life of French scientist Louis Pasteur. To commemorate some of these milestones, the IP Montevideo invited the illustrator Alfonso Rosso, who, based on his renowned project “El Montevideano“, created the series of fictitious newspaper covers “El Pasteuriano“.

It is a series of seven paintings that allude to a particular moment or milestone in Pasteur’s life. In turn, each image has a QR code that leads to a webpage where you can read the information related to that stage or scientific finding.

The series “El Pasteuriano” is intended to be itinerant, available for those institutions interested in exhibiting it for a few days on loan. (Click hereto know the rules to apply for the exhibition).

The presentation of the paintings illustrated by Rosso took place last Thursday, May 11, at the Alianza Francesa de Montevideo in the format of a Pasteurizarte, the cycle created by IP Montevideo that unites science, art and society. After the first instance carried out in March -which included the tango and tuberculosis as protagonists-, this time the event featured the following speakers:

  • Dr. Luis Barbeito (researcher at IP Montevideo): “An anecdote of Louis Pasteur”. He shared an account of Pasteur’s time and walk through his scientific milestones.
  • Dr. Eduardo Boido (winemaker Bodegas Bouza, Facultad de Química) presented: “In vino veritas, the inspiration of Louis Pasteur”. He highlighted Pasteur’s contribution to the wine industry at the time and today.
  • Prof. Antoine Zeo (History teacher, Lycée Français): “Pasteur, Napoleon and the history of France”.
  • Alfonso Rosso (illustrator): “Pasteur illustrated”. He talked about his work in illustration and what the process was like to create the series of paintings that was presented.
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