Science that changes the future

Today's Research For Tomorrow's Cures


Initiatives for a ‘greener’ institute

Initiatives for a ‘greener’ institute

Throughout 2023, the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo dedicated to designing and developing four projects that seek ...
BSE, BROU, La Banca and Abitab support construction of auditorium at IP Montevideo

BSE, BROU, La Banca and Abitab support construction of auditorium at IP Montevideo

On the 17th anniversary of its creation and with the support of Banco de Seguros del Estado (BSE), Banco República (BROU), Abitab and Bancas ...
Amigos Pasteur Dinner with sponsors and donors

Amigos Pasteur Dinner with sponsors and donors

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo organized this Thursday, December 7, the second annual dinner together with companies and individuals who ...

Get to know LAB+

An initiative that aims to support disruptive ideas in life sciences to create sustainable international companies and develop products for the global market.

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The institute offers free guided tours for school and high school groups. We always request groups no larger than 30 students; so for larger groups, two different shifts can be scheduled.

The tours are led by our researchers and last between an hour and a half, and two hours.

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